The other "Group" photo is of the ex-gang team that makes up "Los Discipulos" - an evangelistic brea-dance team. They have learned a lot from us and us from them the past couple of days. It has been a real trip and joy getting to know them. What testimonies of changed lives.....!!!! Oh, if you look close, you can also see most of the team intermixed with the team. This was taken in a big mall where we ate lunch and some of the boys almost got arrested for breaking into a break dance demo! Janet, our leader, talked with the police and security and got them off. She also scolded the daylights out of those kid for pulling this shinanigan. Then we took this photo after they apologized. The guys learned that just because you love Jesus - that doesn't give you the right to disregard authority and rules. BUT - they certainly redeemed themselves at the eye clinic with their outstanding service.
It was a LONG hot day (9am-4pm) but worth every sweat drop that dripped!
Prayer Requests: For the community to continue to seek God and remember how HE met their needs today. For Wednesday's outreach in Las Victorious. This community is built on a landfill. We will be part of a team that is building a wooden house for a family that has slept on the ground for years! We will also be presenting a Children's ministry and Los Discipulos will be performing their break dancing and evangelistic outreach. I may also be presenting the OAC painting again - so pray that goes well and hearts receive the gospel. HEY!!! It's raining!!!! It started about 15 minutes ago (at midnight here) and it is raining like cats and dogs - thunder and lightening!! The last rain was in Novemeber. This is my 3rd trip in 3 years during this time of year and it has never rained before when I was here! NOW - the problem is -- the ground is dirt at the landfill and we will be working outside. PLEASE pray for no mud!!! We also are going to EXODO orphanage on Wednesday. Can't wait to see the kids again!!!! Pray the rain is a refreshing blessing for them and for safe travel to and from.
One thing I think I forgot to mention... we have had 2 earthquakes since Saturday night. Carol and I missed Saturday night's - we were doing laundry so guess we dismissed the rumble in the floor to being the rinse cycle.On Monday we were climbing the stair case in Bloom Children's hospital at the time and was not aware. Leila called that night and said that it had been a pretty good "tremble". Neither made the newspapers here, as far as we know. Wish I could have told you that we felt it - but thankful there was no damage and that you all didn't know about it!
The lights have weakened several times during this storm and went out for about 30 seconds a couple of minutes ago. The laptop battery kept me connected and a light on for me to see. What FUN!!!! Carol and I each have a private room - so she just called wanting to know if the horrible loud noise in the hallway was rain. (Yes!) There is an open concept to the hotel design that you aren't really that aware of when it is NOT raining. Guess it is one way to get the floors washed free. Gotta go - please keep praying for us for just a few more days. (There is more thunder and lightening revving up as I say AUDIOUS to you.) Love you all!!!
We are going with Joel to his fine arts competition on Thursday so I wanted to be sure to tell you Happy Birthday, Emmalea, and keep those legs propped up! It is exciting to hear how God is mightily using you and Aunt Carol.
ReplyDeleteThanks Elaine.Tell Joel that Papaw told me about the competition and I've already prayed for him ---- I know he is going to do great! Love you all!